Oil Drum Tables

Our unique oil drum tables can be hired out for your event. Each drum comes with a beautiful reclaimed timber top. They are perfect as high poseur style tables and would add a bold statment to any event!

The drums come in black but for an added cost of £20 the drums can be customised in a colour/s of your choice.

Dimensions: W: 60cm / H: 86cm

For a look at our bespoke oil drum tables please follow the link below.


Item 1-3 Day Hire Price per unit
Oil Drum Table £12
Oil Drum Table & 2 Tall Stool Set £20
Low Oil Drum Table & 4 Stool Set £22
Long Two Drum Table £22
Oil Drum + Parasol £20
Colour Customisation Rental cost + £21 per drum
oil drum table
eco furniture hire

With two stools


Colour customisation

coloured oil drum tables
oil drum table

Low Oil Drum Table Set


Long Two Drum Table

oil drum parasol

Drum + Parasol